Events & News

JULY 2019 ~ The 818 Light Codes, Listen2Animals and Debbie Johnstone are featured online in the “Phoenix Most Inspiring Stories” of Voyage Phoenix.

Saturday 9:30 am-3:00 pm
Closed Sundays
6032 East Cave Creek Rd.
Cave Creek, Arizona 85331
(480) 221-3464
Debbie Johnstone and the 818 Light Codes will be one of the Artists featured at Infinite Finds Women’s Wellness and Thrift Boutique.
This beautiful space supports 8 different women’s small businesses by displaying their talent, art and products for sale in the store. In return, they are donating a portion of sales to charities, which at this time includes 2 cancer survivors, 1 living with a very rare autoimmune disease, and college assistance for 1 young artist.
Free wigs are offered to women who have lost their hair due to cancer, autoimmune disease and/or medication side effect.
On Wednesdays, the Crochet Group meeting at Infinite Finds Center is crocheting caps for women and yarn wigs for children.
Eight (8) different Healthcare Practitioners (lymph drainage, therapeutic massage, aromatherapy, reflexology, reiki) will work with Infinite Finds to provide free services once a month for those in need who connect with us.